• Sat. Feb 22nd, 2025


Cosplay related

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Nerf Retaliator M8 Avenger poor mans Mass Effect mod

Can’t afford the 2 grand Mass Effect Avenger? Hi funsters! Time for a new Nerf mod. I realize my Nerf…

Fallout AEP7 Laser Pistol RAOK foamidable prop build

Fallout AEP7 Laser Pistol RAOK foamidable prop build – Supanova is over and I had some spare time back… I…

Steampunk Exhibition Ipswich – Steampunk Batman and Tesla

Two of my favorite blasters are headed to Cassandra’s Closet for their Steampunk Exhibition, part of the Lamplight Spectacular, a…

M-98 Widow Mass Effect sniper rifle Nerf mod tutorial

Featured Prop Tutorial: Hello Mass Effect fans! As I promised on my Nerfenstein Facebook page here’s the tutorial should you…

Team Fortress 2 pistol prop toy gun mod

Just a quick one for today, This is my take on the Team Fortress secondary weapon, the humble pistol. It’s…

Borderlands Sniper Rifle prop weapon build

Hi guys, I thought some of you might like to make your own Borderlands sniper rifle cosplay prop build, so…

FF VII gun Cerberus prop pistol for cosplay display

A try of the FF VII gun Cerberus Forgotten all about this one until someone reminded me recently. This is…

The Hunger Games weapon prop Nerf Scout cosplay pistol

Yeah so Hunger Games is big right now This is a bandwagon <- This is me jumping on the bandwagon…

Halo pistol cosplay prop Noble Team Nerf Scout

Quick Halo Nerf mod Just a quick update. As some of you may be aware, I’ll be at SupaNova, a…

Steampunk revolver mod HG Wells plasma power

HG Wells plasma blaster Steampunk isn’t my strong point, I’ve only done a couple and was a bit ‘meh’ afterwards.…