• Sat. Mar 29th, 2025

Star Wars

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Han Solo Super Soaker Blaster Repaint Tutorial

Super Soaker Repaint – Han Solo Nerf Blaster tutorial Back with another repaint tutorial for you good people. Today we’re…

Toddler cosplay – Mini Han Solo costume build

My grandson cosplaying as Han Solo… melts me heart Hello funsters! Been awhile. I’ll have more regular updates soon, with…

Star Wars Boba Fett blaster repaint & Jango pistol

Boba and Jango blaster repaints! Got a commission from a lovely chap named Cam who wanted his Boba Fett blaster…

Functioning Nerf Lightsaber the Nerfsaber V2

Nerf Lightsaber the Nerfsaber V2 Remember that Nerfsaber I made a while ago? I’ve one-upped it with a fully functioning…

Nerf Tactical Scope Lightsaber – The Nerfsaber!

Nerf Element Tactical Scope Lightsaber! You guys and gals know I love putting a different spin on things right? I…

Star Wars Nerf blaster pistol with barrel extension

Star Wars Nerf blaster pistol extension Back again with another Nerfenstein blaster, this time a Star Wars blaster pistol, made…

Mav2D2 Nerf Maverick R2D2 mod Star Wars FTW!

Mav2D2 the R2D2 Nerf Maverick Mod Featured Nerf Mod Tutorial: The Mav2D2 Nerf Maverick R2D2 mod Star Wars is an…