Doctor Who: The Edge of Time VR Oculus Quest – VR
Doctor Who: The Edge of Time first impressions video review: I’m a Whovian, so I know the universe very well.…
Bunny Kingdom Component Repaint – Walkthrough Tutorial
Bunny Kingdom board game component repaint tutorial video: A quick walkthrough of my repaint of the castles and other buildings…
Prop ID badges Defiance, Umbrella Corp, Torchwood Institute
I designed some geeky ID badges! I’ve been looking for a series of smaller props to add to my portfolio…
Nerf Vortex Proton Doctor Who mod – Tardis fun!
Doctor Who Nerf mod On my Facebook page (Nerfenstein) I put out the hint “This new Nerf Vortex Proton may…
Adipose stuffed toy – Me wants
Okay so as soon as I saw the Adipose in Doctor Who I knew right there and then these little…
River Song in Doctor Who is my new favorite character
River Song is my new favorite character in Doctor Who. Alex Kingston does a superb job of being the confident,…
Lady Christina de Souza the Lady Croft of Doctor Who
I have to say watching Michelle Ryan as Lady Christina de Souza in Doctor Who: Planet of the Dead is…