• Mon. Mar 31st, 2025
nerf train mod by nerfenstein girlygamer

Rail gun Nerf Rayven dieselpunk railway car mod

Nerf train mod

Choo Woo! Nerf Rayven disembarking from platform 9¾. All Aboard! This is what happens when 1. Someone from my Facebook page suggests I try ‘dieselpunk’ (thanks James!) and 2. I am hopped up on Lemsips and other flu medicines. I’d like to thank James for the suggestion, I realize a diesel train probably isn’t what he had in mind when he made the suggestion, but on looking into what dieselpunk is, trains are a big part of it, most notably, sleek streamliners (high speed diesel railway of the 1930’s) and that’s what I saw when I looked at the Nerf Rayven. Check it out, just like R2D2 was hiding in the Nerf Maverick, so too there is a railway car hiding in the Nerf Rayven, slice off the bottom, add some wheels… you see it!

nerf rayven train mod dieselpunk rail gun by nerfenstein girlygamer

I wanted to do something a little funky with the ammunition clip on this mod, rather than leaving it plain, so I went with railway tracks (I know, I’m not sure how my brain works either lol). I went all out here, modding the heck out of it, with fake dirt, fake grass, pebbles rocks, tracks and sleepers. Most importantly, it’s all still functional, so though I did this as a display / art piece it’s also a fully functioning Nerf Rayven.

nerf rayven train mod dieselpunk rail gun by nerfenstein girlygamer

Well that’s my latest Nerf mod, I hope you like it!
Now… I’ve got a train to catch!

Till next time people… what do we say?! ….

Originally written for GirlyGamer.com.au home blog of Nerfenstein / GirlyGamer / BoardGameGran. Catch up with me on my Facebook page, or if you Tweet… there’s always Twitter and guess what, I actually reply!

GirlyGamer / Board Game Gran

Nonna who loves her family, travel, board games, video games, VR and all things geeky (oh and some terrible reality TV.. don't judge lol).

6 thoughts on “Rail gun Nerf Rayven dieselpunk railway car mod”
  1. Wait .. what the?! Is it a bird, is it a plane .. not it’s a hot damn Nerf train O_0
    That is one of the craziest Nerf mods in history girl! This is why I love your blog, you don’t just do the usual repaints you see so many other “modders” doing (I call them “nodders” as I fall asleep when I see them ^-^). I love to create and seeing other peoples creations stimulates me, seeing other peoples creations that are so far out of the realm of the normal stimulates me further. Thank you for straying off the path.

    1. Hi Thomas, thanks for the kind words. This mod was a lot of fun to do, I find the more weird the mod the better sometimes, gets people talking. Have fun creating!

  2. This gives a new meaning to “rail gun”. Or it would if huge cannons transported on rails did not already exist during the first World War. Still, it’s the thought that counts.

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