• Mon. Mar 31st, 2025

Star Trek Khan Necklace, Terminator Chip, Skyrim Amulet & more!

Time for some 3D printed geek!

Hello lovely people. A few things for this update, firstly the ‘Win Nerfenstein for a Week’ competition is still going, so get in over at the Nerfenstein Facebook Page before the deadline for entries ends (that’s the end of today! At time of posting March 24th, 2014). So if you want to win me for a week, working on anything you want (that’s doable and within my skillset obviously) make sure you enter, it’s easy!

I love doing random acts of kindness and this is to give back to my beautiful Facebook community, I thought that was a better prize than just giving a ‘thing’, time is precious and I appreciate all the time people spend there, so giving up a week of mine for someone else seemed to make sense.

Speaking of random acts of kindness, there are a few in this post….

This post is going to cover some of the 3D printed projects I’ve done in the past couple of months. Starting with a necklace prop from “Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan”. A friend of mine mentioned she’d love a prop replica of Khan Noonien Singh’s necklace worn in the film.

I hit up Thingiverse and there was the base pieces thanks to clever chap ‘ThePlanetMike’. I printed and detailed the main pieces, then hit the electronics store for wires, capacitors and a cool case.

Detailed up the belt buckle part, added some metal loops for attaching it to the wiring and also added a metal loop to the rear of the above section.

wrath of khan necklace prop 3d printed and made by nerfenstein girlygamer

Next up a quick TARDIS key for a friend, model via ‘custom3dstuff’. Detailed this as I thought it should look, dark base with silver overtones. Added a ballchain and it was good to go.

TARDIS key 3d printed prop by girlygamer nerfenstein

Another prop for a friend. This time from video game “Skyrim”. My friend Ged is a huge Skyrim fan so when I saw this model courtesy of ‘TCorgard’ I nabbed it and printed a few up, testing different stones and different colors. One of them will be winging its way to Ged’s mailbox soon.

Skyrim Amulet of Articulation prop replica variationsTerminator 1 & 2 are two of my all time favorite movies. It’s little surprise then that when I saw the 3D print file for the Terminator CPU chip, again thanks to the rather talented ‘TCorgard’ at Thingiverse, I nabbed it and set to work. I used an old jar, clothes peg and red LED lighting to finish it off and it looks great! I’m modeling this myself now as a practice.

skyrim amulet 3d printed by nerfenstein girlygamer

Lastly this lovely Hearthstone Key came to me courtesy of ‘Vivenda’ on Thingiverse. It’s a great little model and though I don’t play the game, I liked it enough to nab one and print it off.

hearthstone prop key 3d printed by girlygamer nerfenstein

Till next time people… what do we say?! ….

Originally written for GirlyGamer.com.au home blog of Nerfenstein / GirlyGamer / BoardGameGran. Catch up with me on my Facebook page, or if you Tweet… there’s always Twitter and guess what, I actually reply!

GirlyGamer / Board Game Gran

Nonna who loves her family, travel, board games, video games, VR and all things geeky (oh and some terrible reality TV.. don't judge lol).

2 thoughts on “Star Trek Khan Necklace, Terminator Chip, Skyrim Amulet & more!”
  1. Hi just noticed your great work on the Terminator CPU chip and wondered if they were for sale.. many thanks

    1. Hi Mark, they’re not as I no longer have a workshop, but you can download the file from Thingiverse and print your own if you have access to a 3D printer.

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