Nerf mod tutorial – Nerf Rebelle Charmed Dauntless
Want a lovely steampunk blaster pistol for your cosplay or steampunk display? I run you through how to paint the Nerf Charmed Dauntless Rebelle blaster, start to finish, so you can get a sweet looking steampunk blaster at the end of it.
You’ll need high grade sandpaper to sand it back first if you want to do it properly, some paint colors you want to use (I used black, gold, bronze and silver, but use whatever you like) and of course some nice soft brushes.
Here’s the full Nerf Rebelle Charmed Dauntless Steampunk paint tutorial:
Till next time people… what do we say?! ….
Nerfenstein Out!
Originally written for home blog of Nerfenstein… Gold Coast based Nerf Modder, Prop Maker and Artiste who just happens to have a vajayjay. Catch up with her on her Facebook page, or if you Tweet… there’s always Twitter and guess what, she actually replies!