• Mon. Mar 31st, 2025

BioShock Audio Diary 3D printed prop replica

This BioShock Audio Recorder is a lovely little thing

I was contacted by a fellow who wanted a BioShock Audio Diary 3D printed. His university / school were going to charge him a ridiculous amount for the task, a staggering $800 for the raw print. Long story short, I said if he gave me his BioShock Audio Diary 3D print file I would print it for him for a heck of a lot cheaper, I’d even prime and detail it all. The deal was done!

Things were going swimmingly with this, until it killed my 3D printer. This put the project back a few weeks, but it still didn’t encroach on the date it was needed by YAY! Given I am a HUGE fan of the BioShock game series the printer breakage was a bummer, as I just wanted to see it finished. I’d also wasted a multitude of premium material on multiple test prints that only partially printed.. frustrating! Eventually I got the printer fixed and printed the complete BioShock Audio Diary. Sadly, for some inexplicable reason, said fellow who ordered it bailed, though kudos to him, unlike some lame commissioners he did pay me for the wasted material I’d used, so silver lining. We agreed I’d forgo all the hours I’d spent on it because I figured I could sell a few and make that back then put it to bed.

bioshock audio diary prop made by nerfenstein 3d printed girlygamer

What a beautiful little item this BioShock audio recorder is

Given the size of my print table this isn’t huge, but I figured as a display item, photography item, cosplay item, this is big enough. It fits in your hand like a handheld tape deck.

bioshock audio diary 3d printed prop by nerfenstein girlygamer

Sitting with my little BioShock dolly

That’s it for this week, more to come before I head off on my trip later in the year and my blog turns into a travel blog lol.

Till next time people… what do we say?! ….

Originally written for GirlyGamer.com.au home blog of Nerfenstein / GirlyGamer / BoardGameGran. Catch up with me on my Facebook page, or if you Tweet… there’s always Twitter and guess what, I actually reply!

GirlyGamer / Board Game Gran

Nonna who loves her family, travel, board games, video games, VR and all things geeky (oh and some terrible reality TV.. don't judge lol).

6 thoughts on “BioShock Audio Diary 3D printed prop replica”
  1. Hey I don’t know if you’ll see this considering this post is a couple years old, but do you have a copy of the print file? I’d love to try my hand at making one of these

    1. I’d love to be able to say yes, but I lost all my files when my last computer had a massive HDD failure. Sorry!!

  2. So the odds of getting one of these bad boys are like slim to none? 🙁 I don’t know much about 3D printing, so forgive me, but someone shared this on pinterest and I have to at least inquire!

    1. Hi Taylor,
      sadly this was done so very long ago I don’t even have the stl file anymore.
      Sorry.. ugh I hate letting people down.

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