• Thu. Mar 6th, 2025

Borderlands Jakobs Law pistol variant prop and display – Art

More Bordelrands, don’t act surprised

“Borderlands”, yes the video game by Gearbox, here again, on my blog. If you’re a long time follower here, on Facebook, Twitter or other social media, you will know I’m a “Borderlands” game fan and I meet up with friends from time to time to generally play cannon fodder whilst we peruse the wastes. It goes without saying then that “Borderlands” props are going to crop up from time to time, this Jakobs Law pistol variant is the latest. Incidentally the others have been the Borderlands Sniper Rifle prop build, the Borderlands Torgue Nerf Maverick prop and the Borderlands Maliwan inspired pistol prop mashup.

This display prop came about many moons ago via a commission request. Sadly the person who originally commissioned it disappeared and I couldn’t contact them. Anyway it has sat in my workshop for months, half done staring at me, so I figured it was time to put this Borderlands baby to bed. From memory the original brief said it was to be a variant of the Borderlands Law pistol, for display only. For this reason I also made the gun a display base and I think it really adds to it.

borderlands law pistol prop nerf mod by nerfenstein girlygamer

As you can see, rather than doing a flat standard display base I made it look like a desolate area (well it is Borderlands). I popped a little timber look sign board on it with a poster (I made in photoshop) nailed to it, showing the Borderlands 2 logo and the weapons manufacturer ‘Jakobs’ family moniker. The poppies / moss were to be funny and add a teeny bit of color at the base of the sign board.

borderlands law pistol prop nerf mod by nerfenstein girlygamer

My fellow Nerf fans, can you see it, that perfectly fitting forward sight? Sweet isn’t it, very “Borderlands” like, recognize it? I couldn’t believe my luck when this slotted over the front of the gun perfectly within the indents, it was like it was made to go there.

borderlands law pistol prop nerf mod by nerfenstein girlygamer

If you still don’t know what it is I won’t spoil it for you, I put stock in the fact you can break through the barricade and work it out ;p

Right, that’s it! Another display weapon prop complete, I’m just sad the original commissioner disappeared and never got to see it, oh well. I hope you’ve liked this Borderlands prop. Till next time lovely people, do good things! … Nerfenstein out!

Post written for GirlyGamer.com.au home blog of Nerfenstein… the geek you can catch up with on her Facebook page, or if you Tweet… there’s always Twitter!

GirlyGamer / Board Game Gran

Nonna who loves her family, travel, board games, video games, VR and all things geeky (oh and some terrible reality TV.. don't judge lol).

One thought on “Borderlands Jakobs Law pistol variant prop and display – Art”
  1. Holy Sheizer!!!
    I suppose I should go get a job or I will never own anything this awesome. You nailed the borderlands thing down pat and the stand is barmy!

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