The Mummy universal monsters horror meeple
The Mummy!! Another Display meeple done. And the Baby Yoda meeple fail – unfinished – lurking behind. I wasn’t happy with the baby yoda meeple, it just fails to capture the Grogu goodness. The ears are too pointy, being restricted to the ‘meeple’ shape is no help. I’ll see if I want to post it if I finish it, but it isn’t good.

On the other hand, pretty happy with the mummy meeple, he / she / they is kinda cool! Someone on Twitter asked how the texture was done, it was done with an old pair of jeans and I cut strips out and glued it all on with a coating of PVA glue. This turned it still and means it will last, but it also kept the overall material texture.
Here it is, I hope you like it.
any way you would sale me the mummy meeple?
I am thinking of popping some on my etsy store. We’ll see if I get time.
Thanks for the interest.