• Sat. Jul 27th, 2024
outback board game michael kiesling

New Board Games September 2019 – Acquisitions

Board Game Haul for September 2019 – Been awhile huh?

Yes, you read it right, it’s not a VR post (you can pick yourself up off the floor), it’s a board gaming post. Just a wee update on the new board games I got this week. These are mainly games I didn’t get back when they released, but they remained on my board game wish list, well that and a couple of bargain basement games.

I’ll go through them in the video below, but if you just want to know without having to watch, totally understandable, so here’s my new acquisitions:

Small card game Bandido, saw this one ages ago on a Board Game Geek stream and it looked like a lot of fun. As a Lanterns fan, I had to get Lanterns Dice. Captain Marvel I got cheap, I’m still not sure I’ll keep it, but I do love Thanos Rising, just wishing Marvel wasn’t a hidden role game. Chocolatiers is a beautiful looking game and I liked the theme. Sunflower Valley I saw ages ago when one of my favorite board gaming YouTubers covered it. Victorian Masterminds was super cheap and I liked the minis. Atelier I got because I thought my partner would enjoy it. Outback I had to get because of the Aussie theme. Lastly a couple of board game inserts!


Remember to take a moment for yourself today friend!

GirlyGamer / Board Game Gran

Nonna who loves her family, travel, board games, video games, VR and all things geeky (oh and some terrible reality TV.. don't judge lol).

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