• Mon. Mar 31st, 2025

Fallout vault 101 blaster pistol Nerf Super Soaker mod

Nerf mod Fallout homage

I’ve had this one on the go for the last few days, a Nerf Super Soaker Microburst Fallout Vault 101 mod. This started out with red plating and was going to be another Mass Effect mod, but then I got gazumped by a pal on DA and decided to change it to a Halo pistol. Once I’d done the green and looked at it I thought it didn’t really have the Halo look, given the guns in the Halo universe look generally more futuristic, less lumpy (for want of a better word). I decided to keep the Halo style HUD on the sight section, but changed it to be Fallout in nature. I think this looks better with the post apocalyptic feel of Fallout, rather than the scifi feel of Halo.

fallout blaster prop pistol nerf mod supa soaker by nerfenstein girlygamer

Needless to say this gun had some modding other than just a paint job. I took the front section of the Photon Storm I had laying around and dremeled it so it fit, added some grating across the original Nerf Microburst sight from my trusty hair-roller stash. Pulled the pump handle forward to give the gun length and attached the barrel extension. Needless to say, this is a prop / cosplay blaster for Fallout now and no longer functions as a water pistol.

fallout blaster prop pistol nerf mod supa soaker by nerfenstein girlygamer

Ambrosius… put your paws up! (no adorable dogs were hurt in this photo!)

Dirtied up the grip area with a burnished copper which I think works well for this genre / style.

Previous Nerf Super Soaker Microburst Blade Runner mod here.

Post written for GirlyGamer.com.au and fired to Tumblr and other social networks via particle beam accelerator.

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GirlyGamer / Board Game Gran

Nonna who loves her family, travel, board games, video games, VR and all things geeky (oh and some terrible reality TV.. don't judge lol).

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