Animal Crossing New Horizons QR codes for board gamers:
I posted an image of my in progress board game room in Animal Crossing New Horizon’s and a few of my board gaming friends replied or messaged asking for the QR codes. I’ve made quite a few so far and you will find them below, but if there’s a particular game you want, just comment here, or message me on Twitter or Facebook and I’ll add it to this collection.
I’ll also be adding to this set little by little, just so it doesn’t stay stagnant. I hope they’re of help to my fellow Animal Crossing / Board Gaming friends.

That’s tham so far friends. If you need one, just drop a comment.
Take care of yourself and play some games.
Can you please do Chronicles of Crime?
Done 🙂
I know it’s kinda niche, but maybe a Star Wars game? I’m secretly hoping for X-Wing Miniatures Second edition!
I can do that no bother.
This is sooooo cool… Could you add Robinson Crusoe? Old and or new edition.
Of course! Sorry it took me so long to see this comment.