Love cosy / cozy games? Got a VR headset?
Cozy games (or cosy games if you prefer) have become a favorite within a sector of the gaming community. I personally love them as well (you will know that if you’re a regular reader here or follow me on social media). I thought it would be cool to take a look at the best cozy games in VR. They’re few and far between, but there are some amazing cozy games in VR and on Meta Quest. So let’s take a look at a few.
Cozy Games on Meta Quest VR
Raccoon Lagoon:
Raccoon Lagoon is a cozy game in VR that released way back in 2019 and I played it TO DEATH. I have hints and tips about it, I even made a dice box based on a chest from the game, I LOVED it. As cozy games go in VR, Raccoon Lagoon should be high on your list, but be warned, it’s not without a few bugs at times and the devs no longer support it. Still I think it’s a worthy game and definitely a great cozy VR game.

Moss Book I & II
The Moss games are so cozy you’ll probably let out a verbal squeal when you first see your little hero Quill appear from the bushes in VR. These games are – in my opinion – must own games for anyone with a compatible VR headset and it’s available on Meta Quest, PSVR and PCVR. I won’t give it away, but Moss sees you in control of yourself as a ‘friendly giant’ type character and the environment Quill lives in. As cozy VR games go, this is one of THE BEST, you will not regret the purchase.

Garden of the Sea:
Garden of the Sea is a charming / relaxing cozy game on Meta Quest (and PCVR). You take your own time to explore, craft, go fishing and make friends with adorable creatures. Sail around on your little boat, fix up your home and discover new areas. It’s super cozy, but kind of short.

A Fisherman’s Tale:
Ahh A Fisherman’s Tale, what a lovely little game. If you’re into solving cozy puzzles that bend the brain, this is the game for you. With an adorable story entwining a world of a lone fisherman and his relationship with his father (from memory). Its use of size to solve puzzles just blew my mind when I first played it. A fantastic cosy game in VR. (there’s also a second one I haven’t played, but it is on my wishlist!).

The Curious Tale of the Stolen Pets:
As cozy VR games go, this one is up there. It has an adorable story about grandparents and childhood memory. The gaming mechanism is simple, look around the areas for hidden things fill jars, reveal more memories / levels. It’s beautiful, charming and not too difficult. Just keep your eyes peeled in this cozy VR game.

Ghost Giant:
Ghost Giant is a heartfelt VR game that sees the player protecting and helping a lonely little boy named Louis. I won’t spoil the story here, but the graphics and story and charming and engaging. Meet the eccentric characters in the world Louis inhabits and help him overcome heartbreak.

That’s it for now. I’ll update this post as I get more time, with even more cozy VR games available on Meta Quest and other VR platforms. I hope you’ve found it useful!
Take Care and BE KIND!