• Sat. Jul 27th, 2024
top ten board games lists do we get them? - Chitt's Speak vlog by boardgamegran

Last Years Top Ten Board Games List What Happened? – Vlog

A lot of board gamers make top ten wants lists. I made one last year. How many games did I get?

A lot of people were making their top ten board games of 2020 and I was thinking of doing it myself, but then I got to wondering, what happened to last years top ten board games I really wanted to add to my collection? Did I buy them, did I love them? If I didn’t buy them, why not? Anyway, that’s what this video is all about.

I’m fascinated that as board gamers we do this and I wondered if the want / wish list items, don’t end up on our shelves. Did your wants all end up on yours?

GirlyGamer / Board Game Gran

Nonna who loves her family, travel, board games, video games, VR and all things geeky (oh and some terrible reality TV.. don't judge lol).

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