I have to say watching Michelle Ryan as Lady Christina de Souza in Doctor Who: Planet of the Dead is – in a quote from Lady Lara Croft and de Souza herself – “fascinating”. I never really pictured Ryan as Lady Lara before now, much rather wishing the crown – were it to be moved from Angelina Jolie – be passed back to the original Lara Croft model Rhona Mitra. I’d still prefer that were the case as Mitra is a whole other level of kick ass sexy by comparison, but I actually think Ryan could pull it off.

Michelle Ryan was great in Doctor Who, I’m surprised they never brought that character back.
I wonder if Michelle Ryan will be in the running for the new young Lara Croft in the movie? She would be perfect to cast. Though they will probably go for someone even younger than her. Which is lame, but that’s Hollywood for you. Young woman in Hollywood is probably what 14?