• Thu. Jan 23rd, 2025

Adipose Updates – Doctor Who facebook star

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  • Adipose Updates – Doctor Who facebook star

Back at the start of December 2010 I got an Adipose stress toy, an early X-mas gift. Adipose is of course a ‘character’ from Doctor Who, true to his name he is made of fat… he is adorable. I posted a picture of him sitting on my desk to Facebook and people seemed to like it, thus started the “Adipose Updates”, random images of my little dude living life here on the Gold Coast, Australia. I’ve decided to collate them all here in order and I’ll update this as new ones appear. Hope you like them as much as my family and friends seem to have.

Adipose Updates:

My Adipose is looking up at me, probably thinking how he could take over the office with my body alone. I love him.

Adipose morning photo. Just resting while GirlyGamer works, here if she needs me. (People who talk about themselves in third person are weird).

Afternoon Adipose update. Lunchtime and a little exercise.

Evening Adipose update. “Yo Yo Yo my bitches and ho’s, I’m made of fat and my name is Adipose” Baseball cap courtesy Tunnocks Tea Cake.

Adipose morning update. I hear there’s a bit of snow in Glasgow.

Adipose morning update: Ahh a nice Zarraffas Coffee, now my morning is complete says Adipose.

Adipose Update: Adipose – Ironing out problems one crease at a time.

New Years Day Adipose Update – New Years celebrations don’t end well for our little fat friend.

Adipose Update: “whilst walking in the garden I came across a strange creature” ……… said the mushroom.

More Adipose updates soon.